The Elementary Education Research Institute conducts and/or supports academic research and surveys in elementary education. The Institute also hosts seminars, conferences, and workshops to educate and train pre-service and in-service teachers. Several subject area research centers are operated to support research activities. Information on elementary education is also provided via the Internet.
Center for Campus Life & Culture has been reorganized and expanded since March, 2004 to support university students with a culture and student life support system. The Center offers psychological and aptitude tests, personal and group counseling, and lectures to help pre-service teachers' personal growth. The Center also conducts research related to student campus Life and administers teaching aptitude and personality tests. In order to help students adjust to campus life, the center operates programs for high-risk freshmen, academic probations, and peer counselor.
The Institute of Basic Science Education hosts academic contests and seminars for elementary students to stimulate interest and develop understanding in fundamental science. The Institute also provides a safety education program to staff and students in science experiments as is supported by the law.
Korea is rapidly changing into a multicultural, multiracial society. To prepare for language and cultural adaptation issues in educational settings, SNUE has established the Research Institute for Multicultural Education in April of 2008.