- 2023
- December 26
- 18th President Shin ho Jang inaugurated
- 2022
- December 30
- Selected as an excellent institution in diagnosis of capabilities of teacher cultivation
- December 29
- New online degree course major (Artificial Intelligence Future Education major, Edutech major)
- December 2
- 2 Joint Research Conference on Liberal Arts Curriculum (Seoul, Gyeongin, Chuncheon National University of Education)
- February 17
- Selected as the Most Excellent (A) University in diagnosis of capabilities of teacher cultivation
- 2020
- September 25
- Established the SNUE Human Right Center and AI Convergence
Education Center
- February 6
- Established 3 majors in AI convergence education in the
Graduate School of Education
- 2019
- November 8
- 17th President Chae-Seong Lim inaugurated
- August 29
- Selected as an excellent university for sharing and
distributing academic information of the university library
(Distribution of original literature)
- April 24
- Constructed the Sahyang Sports Complex and opened the Art
Gallery SAM
- January 15
- The Sahyang Daycare Center was evaluated as Grade A
- 2018
- June 20
- Selected as an excellent university for sharing and
distributing academic information of the university library
(Integrated list)
- March 2
- Opened the SNUE Sahyang Daycare Center
- 2017
- September 22
- Re-selected as BEST HRD by the Excellent Human Resources
Development Institution Certification System under the Ministry of
Education, Science and Technology
- 2016
- October 21
- Selected as the managing institute to implement the
Research Ethics Activity Support Project
- 2015
- November 16
- Selected as an excellent university for sharing and
distributing academic information of the university library
(Distribution of original literature)
- 2013
- August 8
- Established 3 new doctorate courses in the Graduate School
of Education
- 2012
- November 15
- Approval of establishment of the Graduate School of
Education (25 master’s programs and 8 doctorate programs)
- 2011
- October 18
- Being selected as BEST HRD by the Excellent HumanResources
Development Institution Certification System by theMinistry of
Education, Science and Technology
- January 11
- Won the grand prize in education sector as the
mostreliable brand selected by customers in 2011 (under management
byChosun Media)